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  • sellerscharles48ho

Dealing With Uncomplimentary Youtube Comments

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But Antoine Dodson became even really an internet sensation once the YOUTUBE COMMENTS YouTube comedy group Auto-Tune The News got ahold of the WAFF clip and turned it into the BED INTRUDER SONG!!! By "auto-tuning" Antoine, his sister Kelly, and the tv reporters (while inserting clips of themselves miming-along and dancing), Auto-Tune This news turned Antoine's impassioned plea into a rap/r&b song. At the end, a member of the Auto-Tune The good news group performs the "song" as a piano ballad, and invites others create and post their own versions of "Bed Burglar." Countless people have - just look into the video reviews. The original "BED INTRUDER SONG!!!" is approaching 5 million views as of August 7, 2010.

We've talked with a few of the other groups about doing shows together, so we'll have observe how functions out. Discuss loved Groove for Thought, so it would be great to perform some shows with these guys. The guys from Committed are incredibly close (in Huntsville, AL), and doing some shows these people would be cool because we have such variations. This show in Nashville, The Whiffenpoofs had booked and they really invited the two of us!

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Speaking from experience the addict gamer and seasoned cheater, I can say that Play Buddy has its very own strengths and weaknesses. Let us take an example to study: cheating Pogo games. The great thing about Play Buddy, in this case, is its option to cheat online under the radar. On rooms and tournaments, you'll play online game so smooth (actually played by the Buddy program) that people will only help you as a guru player. They're able to thing is because consistently update their resources.

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